Friday, April 4, 2014

Ukrainian Crisis

The crisis surrounding Ukraine has been heard world wide and the stories have been passed quickly through social media, especially Twitter. "Euromaidan" was the start of the protests.  Many Ukrainian activists pointed out that Twitter was the beginning of bringing all the "Millennials" to the city center for protests events. The crisis is based around Ukraine's relationship with Russia and the European Union.  So far Russia has sieved the most southern part of Ukraine, Crimea, and President Putin is looking for more.

In a recent article in the "Atlantic" they talked about Putins plan to Partition the rest of Ukraine.  Russia isn't calling it a partition, but the are calling it "federalism".  What this means is Russian wants to be in charge of just parts of the Ukrainian government.  Social Media has shown that it is about a 50/50 split between Ukrainians that want to join Russia versus those that want to join the European Union(EU).  However, I feel it is only a matter of time before Putin invades and takes what he wants.

I believe through social media the "Millennials" of Ukraine need to ban together and stop this from happening.  They are the future of Ukraine, and being part of Russia is something they should not want to happen.  I lived in Ukraine for 2 years and enjoyed the relationships I made with the young adults there.  They are much different then the older generation of Ukraine.  Most of the older generation grew up in the Soviet Union and don't see how there is any other way to live.  However, the youth of Ukraine have had the technology and use of social media to be able to go through and understand what is going on and create their own ideas on what is good and what is bad for Ukraine.

The protest that were brought together through Twitter led to the destruction of many statues and even led to a huge fire in the city square in the capital city of Ukraine.  We have seen how Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube have effected the way different world crisis' are seen. Egypt was able to use social media to show the world the truth of what was really happening with their government.  This was also true for Ukraine.  Ukraine has been in the middle of war and battle through out time, but it is time they take a stand and create a truly free country.  Using social media the "Millennials" need to continue their protests and get the word out on what they really want.

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