Sunday, April 20, 2014

Facebook Analysis

As we started the Facebook assignment I was not sure where I was going to go with it and what page I was going to do.  I ended up taking over my roommates page for his carpet cleaning business which was being misused.  When I took over it only had 25 likes and was getting little reach to those customers that are out there on Facebook.
Ever since I took over we have reached 100 likes and his business has increased around 25%.  He is receiving more calls for work and he also is getting more referrals from those he has worked with as they are able to show them reviews and pictures of what the business can do.  It was a great help for his company.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Ukrainian Crisis

The crisis surrounding Ukraine has been heard world wide and the stories have been passed quickly through social media, especially Twitter. "Euromaidan" was the start of the protests.  Many Ukrainian activists pointed out that Twitter was the beginning of bringing all the "Millennials" to the city center for protests events. The crisis is based around Ukraine's relationship with Russia and the European Union.  So far Russia has sieved the most southern part of Ukraine, Crimea, and President Putin is looking for more.

In a recent article in the "Atlantic" they talked about Putins plan to Partition the rest of Ukraine.  Russia isn't calling it a partition, but the are calling it "federalism".  What this means is Russian wants to be in charge of just parts of the Ukrainian government.  Social Media has shown that it is about a 50/50 split between Ukrainians that want to join Russia versus those that want to join the European Union(EU).  However, I feel it is only a matter of time before Putin invades and takes what he wants.

I believe through social media the "Millennials" of Ukraine need to ban together and stop this from happening.  They are the future of Ukraine, and being part of Russia is something they should not want to happen.  I lived in Ukraine for 2 years and enjoyed the relationships I made with the young adults there.  They are much different then the older generation of Ukraine.  Most of the older generation grew up in the Soviet Union and don't see how there is any other way to live.  However, the youth of Ukraine have had the technology and use of social media to be able to go through and understand what is going on and create their own ideas on what is good and what is bad for Ukraine.

The protest that were brought together through Twitter led to the destruction of many statues and even led to a huge fire in the city square in the capital city of Ukraine.  We have seen how Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube have effected the way different world crisis' are seen. Egypt was able to use social media to show the world the truth of what was really happening with their government.  This was also true for Ukraine.  Ukraine has been in the middle of war and battle through out time, but it is time they take a stand and create a truly free country.  Using social media the "Millennials" need to continue their protests and get the word out on what they really want.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sustainable Business Ideas

Air Duct Cleaning - the Air ducts in most peoples houses are never cleaned and a simple cleaning will increase how much energy you save.

Bicycle Shops - Repair and Cleaning/Community Bike Share program

Local Farmers Market - buying local creates less carbon footprints.

Green House Cleaning - using clean/biodegradable, animal/plant friendly, will create a better environment.

Cool Roofing - Roof shingle business that uses green materials to reflect the suns rays keeping a house cooler.

Green Plumbing Retail- low-flow water products

Community Lending circle - using what you have and sharing and lending with others.

Friday, March 21, 2014

If this was something I really wanted to get invested in I would go for an ad that would be either $10 or $20.  It would reach a new audience of people and give the company business to keep going.  The age range for this company is pretty broad and that can be good and bad.  But with a carpet cleaning company you are trying to reach a wide variety of people.
For the ad I would offer Buy one get one free.  That would be pay for one room to get cleaned and get a second free.  I would also an offer for a return visit for referrals.  If they were able to give me some referrals I would give them 20% off their next cleaning.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Stuff: Colaberative Consumption

AirBnB - House and Room Sharing at low prices.  Most of the time lower then hotels.

Zipcar - Instead of owning cars you pay a monthly membership fee and share cars with others.  
Coworing - Office space sharing.  Allows small business to rent out small parts of offices instead of whole offices making it easier for small businesses to find places to rent and make rent.  

Thredup: A baby clothing sharing community
Toygaroo: toy sharing community

Monday, January 27, 2014

Target Audience

As a ponder on what is going to go into my target audience I am going to focus a the key group of people that are looking for a need in carpet and tile cleaning.  I am looking for a audience of moms with lots of kids, elderly retired couples with dogs and cats, and of course the dirty college students renting apartments.  I am looking for those key people and demographic so I can help provide them with a safe and easy cleaning process.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Target Personas

My idea for my Facebook page is to help my roommates carpet cleaning business.  The focus group of his company would be:
1: Carol (age 68) Carol is a retired school teacher living at home with just her husband.  She now has a big house that was once occupied by 4 children that have moved out and it is just Carol and her husband now.  She likes to keep her house clean and with the house empty she is able to keep it cleaner then she used to and now she use carpet cleaning monthly for any stains that may occur from her pet  dogs and from other simple spills.
2: Greg (age 30) Greg is a single guy working his way up in his company and hopes to be in upper management some day.  He has a German shepherd and he can make a mess, when his friends come over for football and parties they always make a mess.  He uses the carpet cleaning from time to time to keep it clean for the ladies when they visit.
3: The Layton Family (Parents and 3 children) The Layton's have a house of kids pets and parents running around making messes day in and day out.  With the big families it is important to keep it clean and use carpet cleaning regularly to get out the stains from the carpet left behind.  So much cleaning needs to be done with big families and their houses.